Thursday, June 22, 2006

Stand up if you beat Japan*

*Also sung to tune of Go West

The Croatians and Australians are in town. Thousands of fans fill the streets of Stuttgart while the two 4pm trains play on the big screens. Many Australians have gathered at a beer garden in the park so the crowd in town is mostly the red and white checks of Croation supporters.

Last night hundreds of Croation and Australian suporters faced off in a war of chants with the Croations holding the high ground of the steps to the East of the main square while the Australians stood on chairs facing them.

Today the Australians hold the steps and as I passed several cheeky chants echoed through the air such as the one above and "Your shit, but your chicks are hot". We have the benefit that we don't understand Croation but they mostly understand English. I did hear a chant of Goodby Australia in German though.

Many of us will shortly head to the ground to find out who will go onto the next round.


At 01:53, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are some benefits to being a shift worker, including already being awake when the game is on...

Successfully scheduled my "dinner" break to coincide with the end of the aus v croatia match. About ten of us in the tearoom when we scored the equalizer cheered _SO_ loud that staff from next door came to see if someone was being murdered...!

j, it must be sweet to be there 'in the flesh'... go the roos!

At 14:34, Blogger John said...

Hey Chris

Yes, it was awsome in the Stadium and in the city last night. The place was still buzzing come dawn. It is good to hear of the excitment back home.


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